2019年11月20日 星期三

【公職考題選125】文森特·梵高在世時只賣出他畫作的其中一幅.Vincent Van Gogh sold only one of his paintings in his life.

In 1888, Vincent Van Gogh moved to Arles, a town in southern France. The artist Paul Gauguin moved there too, and they became good friends. The weather was beautiful, and they were both inspired by the colorful countryside. They painted daily and talked about art, but they didn’t have much money. Van Gogh often became sad and couldn’t paint. One day he became very angry and argued with Gauguin. Gauguin left Arles, and shortly after, Van Gogh cut off a piece of his own ear.
After a while, Van Gogh began to paint again. He sent some paintings to Paris but couldn’t sell them. Then, in 1890, early on a Sunday evening, Van Gogh went out to the countryside with his paints. He took out a gun and shot himself in the chest. His brother Theo traveled from Paris to be with him. Two days later, Van Gogh died. In his short, sad life, Van Gogh painted 200 paintings. He sold only one of them. In 1990, one of his paintings was sold for 82.5 million U.S. dollars.
48 This passage is mainly about _____.
(A)a short friendship between Van Gogh and Gauguin
(B)the reason why Van Gogh cut off his own ear
(C)Van Gogh’s life in Arles as an unknown painter
(D)Theo’s brotherly love for Vincent Van Gogh
49 Which of the following statements is correct?
(A)Van Gogh could not paint any more after his crazy act.
(B)Van Gogh did not attempt to kill himself.
(C)Theo came from Paris to attend Van Gogh’s funeral.
(D)Van Gogh killed himself in the countryside.
50 One of Van Gogh’s paintings was sold for 82.5 million U.S. dollars about _____years after his death.
(A)50 (B)100(C)150(D)200


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這是位於美國Pennsylvania 賓夕凡尼亞 Philadelphia 費城的
Cut Hair Salon髮廊

一首由 Don McLean演唱的 Vincent (Starry,Starry Night)


答案:48.( C ) 49.( D ) 50.( B )
In 1888, Vincent Van Gogh moved to Arles, a town in southern France. 1888年,文森特·梵高搬到法國南部的阿爾勒鎮。 The artist Paul Gauguin moved there too, and they became good friends. 藝術家保羅·高更(Paul Gauguin)也搬到那裡,他們成了好朋友。The weather was beautiful, and they were both inspired by the colorful countryside. 天氣很美,他們都受到色彩繽紛的鄉村的啟發。 They p ainted daily and talked about art, but they didn’t have much money. 他們每天畫畫和談藝術,但他們沒有多少錢。Van Gogh often became sad and couldn’t paint. 梵高常常變得傷心,不能畫畫。One day he became very angry and argued with Gauguin. 有一天,他變得非常生氣,並與高更爭辯。Gauguin left Arles, and shortly after, Van Gogh cut off a piece of his own ear. 高更離開阿爾勒,不久之後,梵高切斷了自己的一隻耳朵。
[48] After a while, Van Gogh began to paint again. 過了一會,梵高又開始畫畫了。He sent some paintings to Paris but couldn’t sell them. 他寄了一些畫到巴黎,但無法賣出他們。 Then, in 1890, early on a Sunday evening, [49] Van Gogh went out to the countryside with his paints. 然後,1890年的一個星期天傍晚,梵高帶著他的畫去了農村。He took out a gun and shot himself in the chest. 他拿出一把槍,朝自己的胸部開槍。His brother Theo traveled from Paris to be with him. 他的弟弟西奧從巴黎旅行回來後跟在他身邊。[50] Two days later, Van Gogh died. 兩天后,梵高去世了。In his short, sad life, Van Gogh painted 200 paintings. 在他短暫而悲傷的生活中,梵高畫了200幅畫。He sold only one of them. 他只賣出其中一個。[50] In 1990, one of his paintings was sold for 82.5 million U.S. dollars.1990年,他的一幅畫賣出了825萬美元。

C48 This passage is mainly about _____.
(A)a short friendship between Van Gogh and Gauguin
(B)the reason why Van Gogh cut off his own ear
(C)Van Gogh’s life in Arles as an unknown painter
(D)Theo’s brotherly love for Vincent Van Gogh
D49 Which of the following statements is correct?
(A)Van Gogh could not paint any more after his crazy act.
(B)Van Gogh did not attempt to kill himself.
(C)Theo came from Paris to attend Van Gogh’s funeral.
(D)Van Gogh killed himself in the countryside.
B50 One of Van Gogh’s paintings was sold for 82.5 million U.S. dollars about _____years after his death.
(A)50 (B)100(C)150(D)200
在文中第二段提及, Van Gogh 1890年死亡.


2019年11月16日 星期六

【公職考題選124】遠距教育Distance education

 Online learning is also called distance education. Many American colleges and universities have been offering it for years. Online classes are usually taught by 43 who have been trained in online teaching. These classes can be highly interactive, 44 students communicate with each other and their teachers. Some classes require students to all log in at the same time so they can 45 live lectures by a professor. Students can also ask questions and work together on team projects. Many schools offer online education. Students should be especially careful of programs that offer a degree 46 for little or no work. These are known as diploma mills, and are illegal in the United States. Educational advisers also say that before you enter any program, make sure the work will 47 in your country.

46(A)exchange(B)in return(C)require(D)in need
47(A)regard (B)be regarded(C)recognize(D)be recognized


跟著 "Google 地圖" 學英文

這是位於美國Pennsylvania 賓夕凡尼亞州 Philadelphia 費城的Distance Learning Center Inc遠距進修中心

答案:43.( C ) 44.( A ) 45.( A ) 46.( B ) 47.( D )
Online learning is also called distance education. 在線學習也被稱為遠距教育。Many American colleges and universities have been offering(文法時態 : 此為現在完成進行式) it for years. 許多美國高校已經提供了許多年。 Online classes are usually taught by 43 professors who have been trained in online teaching. 在線課程通常由在線教學培訓的43教授授課。These classes can be highly interactive, 44 where students communicate with each other and their teachers. 這些課程可以是高度互動的,44在這裡學生與老師互相交流。Some classes require students to all log in at the same time so they can 45 join live lectures by a professor. 有些課程要求學生同時登錄,才能45加入教授現場講課。Students can also ask questions and work together on team projects. 學生還可以提出問題,並在團隊計畫中一起工作。Many schools offer online education. 許多學校提供在線教育。Students should be especially careful of programs that offer a degree 46 in return for little or no work. 學生應該特別小心 ,有那種提供46以做很少的功課或不需做功課來換取一個學位的課程。 These are known as diploma mills, and are illegal in the United States. 這些被稱為文憑工廠,在美國是非法的。Educational advisers also say that before you enter any program, make sure the work will 47 be recognized in your country. 教育顧問也表示,在你進入任何課程之前,確保你的著作作品在你的國家將47獲得認可。

因遠距教學如同在 虛擬的教室上課所以本題用 where.
B46(A)exchange(B)in return(C)require(D)in need
D47(A)regard (B)be regarded(C)recognize(D)be recognized


2019年11月12日 星期二

【公職考題選123】還要別的嗎?Anything else?

Lisa: I’m going to the supermarket. Do you need anything?
Lisa: Sure. Anything else?
(A)Yes. It’s great.
(B)May I take your order?
(C)Yes, please do.
(D)Could you buy some bread for me?


跟著 "Google 地圖" 學英文

這是位於美國New York 紐約州New York 紐約市的Breads Bakery烘焙屋

答案:( D )
麗莎:我要去超市。 你需要什麼東西嗎?
麗莎:當然好啊。 還要別的嗎?


2019年11月8日 星期五

【公職考題選122】請不要掛斷電話. Please hold on.

John: Hello, is Mark there?
Mary: Yes.
Mary: Well, he’s busy right now.
(A)Where is he?
(B)May I speak to him?
(C)I’ll call again later.
(D)This is John speaking.


跟著 "Google 地圖" 學英文
這是位於美國Ohio 俄亥俄州 Ashtabula 阿什塔比拉的

Busy Beaver – Ashtabula, 居家裝潢器材店

"Hold on~Hold on..." 洗腦時間到了,哈!哈!

一首由Keira knightley所演唱的Coming Up Roses(漸入佳境)

(電影 Begin Again的插曲)

答案:( B )
  1. 他在哪裡?
  2. 我可以跟他說話嗎?
  3. 我稍候再打。
  4. 我是約翰。


2019年11月4日 星期一

【公職考題選121】人各有所好。Every man has his taste.

Some people like football and ______like basketball.
(A)other (B)others (C)another (D)the other [常考題]


跟著 "Google 地圖" 學英文
這是位於美國Ohio 俄亥俄州 Canton 坎頓的

Pro Football Hall of Fame職業美式足球名人堂


答案:( B )

(A)其他的 (B)其他人 (C)另一個 (D)另一個
(B)句型 Some…, others… (有些,有些)
句:Some apples are fresh, others are not. (有些蘋果是新鮮的, 有些則不.)
句:Some people prefer to adopt infants; others adopt older children. 有些人喜歡收養嬰兒; 其他人收養大一點的小孩子。Some couples adopt children from their own countries; others adopt children from foreign countries. 一些夫婦收養來自本國的兒童; 其他人則收養來自外國的兒童。[103初等各類科閱讀測驗]
(C)句型one…, another…(一個,另一個)
句:To know is one thing, to do is another. “知道 是一回事, “又是一回事.
(D)句型 one…,and the other…(一個, 另一個)→共兩個
句:I have two dogs. One is black, and the other is white.

[本題為常考考點, 類似題如下]

(B) This CD player is more expensive than_____ in the store.
(A)all together (B)any other(C) others (D)all
【講解】選項(C)若改為the others(其餘的)就正確

(B) I will be here for _____ four years.
(A) the other (B) another (C) others (D) one another
(A)句型 one…,and the other…(一個, 另一個)→共兩個
句:I have two dogs. One is black, and the other is white.
(B) another…(另一個)
(C)句型 Some…, others… (有些,有些)
句:Some apples are fresh, others are not. (有些蘋果是新鮮的, 有些則不.)
句:Some people prefer to adopt infants; others adopt older children. 有些人喜歡收養嬰兒; 其他人收養大一點的小孩子。Some couples adopt children from their own countries; others adopt children from foreign countries. 一些夫婦收養來自本國的兒童; 其他人則收養來自外國的兒童。[103初等各類科閱讀測驗]
(D)one another指三人或三人以上之間的 互相; 彼此
句:My classmates help one another when we met some problems.
Each other指兩人之間的 互相; 彼此
句:John and I love each other. 約翰和我彼此相愛。
