2019年10月31日 星期四

【公職考題選120】麻煩你幫我拿行李,好嗎? Could you please help me with my luggage, ok?


This luggage is three times as heavy _____that.



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這是位於美國伊利諾伊州 Chicago 芝加哥的

Heavy duty barber shop 理髮院, 評價有五顆星.


答案:( B )
(A)為了 (B) (C) (D)
片語 as heavy as… ...一樣重
This luggage is as heavy as that. 這行李跟那個一樣重.
片語three times as heavy as… ...三倍重


2019年10月26日 星期六

【公職考題選119】答案飄盪在風中The answer is blowing in the wind.


一首由Peter, Paul and Mary所演唱的 Blowing in the wind
原唱是Bob Dylan

The endings of the modern movies are often open, _____the viewers in doubt as to the final outcome of the characters.

(A)left(B)leaves(C)left to(D)leaving

寫好的同學放鬆一下,我們順便來學學跟TCL Chinese Theatre (中國戲院)相關的英文吧!

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這是位於美國California 加利福尼亞Hollywood 好萊塢的
中國戲院TCL Chinese Theatre


答案:( D )

The endings of the modern movies are often open, leaving the viewers in doubt as to the final outcome of the characters.
= The endings of the modern movies are often open, and the endings of the modern movies S. leaves V. the viewers in doubt as to the final outcome of the characters.
We will leave for動身前往某地Sydney tomorrow.


2019年10月22日 星期二

【公職考題選118】第凡內早餐Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Eating breakfast every morning is very important for students. It enables them to have enough _____to learn new things.

(A)interest (B)energy(C)dream (D)fun


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這是位於美國Pennsylvania 賓夕凡尼亞Philadelphia 費城的Student Health Service At The University Of Pennsylvania 賓州大學學生健康服務中心

答案:( B )
每天早上吃早餐對學生來說非常重要。 它使他們有足夠的精力來學習新事物。

Eating breakfast every morning is very important for students.
=To eat breakfast every morning is very important for students.
= It is very important for students to eat breakfast every morning.


2019年10月18日 星期五

【公職考題選117】舊的不去,新的不來.Keeping the old, you get nothing new.

I need to go to the_____ to exchange my new basketball shoes.

(A)clinic(B)mall(C)coffee shop(D)restaurant


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這是位於美國Illinois 伊利諾伊州 Chicago 芝加哥的
United Center 聯合中心球館, Chicago Bulls芝加哥公牛隊

答案:( B )


2019年10月15日 星期二

【公職考題選116】監視器the security camera

The thieves struck on the morning of August 22, 2004, not long after the Munch Museum had opened. The Sunday peace was broken by the shouting of the two men storming into the exhibition area. Using a gun to force the guards to the ground, they took two paintings off the wall and left. The whole thing took less than 5 minutes. The crime was seen as a shame to Norway, which regards Munch’s paintings as among its most valued cultural treasures. One and a half years on, six men were charged and their trial began February 14, 2006. The police may catch the thieves, but they don’t have the paintings. In the first place, the police took so long to arrive. By the time they did, the original witnesses were gone and the crime scene had been changed with other visitors. The only evidence they got was an unclear photo of two guys taken by the security camera. The police began to make some arrest 8 months later. As for the museum, it closed after the robbery and reopened 10 months later, after adding $6 million security equipment.

48 On what day did the robbery happen?
(A)Monday. (B)Friday.(C)Saturday.(D)Sunday.
49 When did the Museum reopen?
(A)April 2005.(B)June 2005.(C)February 2006.(D)December 2006.
50 Why did the late arrival of the police make it more difficult to find the paintings?
(A)The guards had been seriously injured.
(B)The security camera had been broken.
(C)Some evidence might have been lost.
(D)The visitors had been scared away.

寫好的同學放鬆一下,我們順便來學學跟cultural 相關的英文吧!

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這是位於美國Florida 佛羅里達Cape Coral 開普科勒爾的

Cultural Park Theatre藝術表演劇場

48.( D ) 49.( B ) 50.( C )
The thieves struck on the morning of August 22, 2004, not long after the Munch Museum had opened. 2004822日上午,蒙克博物館開放後不久,小偷就闖入了。48 The Sunday peace was broken by the shouting of the two men storming into the exhibition area. 星期天的和平被兩名衝進展覽區大聲喊叫的男子所打破。Using a gun to force the guards to the ground, they took two paintings off the wall and left. 用槍把警衛逼到地上,他們從牆上取下兩幅畫,然後離開。The whole thing took less than 5 minutes. 整件事花了不到5分鐘。The crime was seen as a shame to Norway, which regards Munch’s paintings as among its most valued cultural treasures. 挪威認為這種罪行是一種恥辱,蒙克的作品被認為是最有價值的文化珍品之一。One and a half years on, six men were charged and their trial began February 14, 2006. 一年半時間,六名男子被指控,並於2006214日開始審判。The police may catch the thieves, but they don’t have the paintings. 警方可能抓到小偷,但他們沒有畫。50 In the first place, the police took so long to arrive. 首先,警察花了很長的時間才到。By the time they did, the original witnesses were gone and the crime scene had been changed with other visitors. 當他們這樣做的時候,原來的證人已經不在了,犯罪現場也被其他訪客改變了。 The only evidence they got was an unclear photo of two guys taken by the security camera. 他們得到的唯一證據是安全攝像機拍攝的兩名男子不清楚的照片。The police began to make some arrest 8 months later. 八個月後,警方開始逮捕。As for the museum, 49 it closed after the robbery and reopened 10 months later, after adding $6 million security equipment. 至於博物館,搶劫後關閉,10個月後重新開放,增加了600萬美元的安全設備。

D48 On what day did the robbery happen?
(A)Monday. (B)Friday.(C)Saturday.(D)Sunday.
B49 When did the Museum reopen?
(A)April 2005.(B)June 2005.(C)February 2006.(D)December 2006.
C50 Why did the late arrival of the police make it more difficult to find the paintings?
(A)The guards had been seriously injured.
(B)The security camera had been broken.
(C)Some evidence might have been lost.
(D)The visitors had been scared away.


2019年10月11日 星期五

【公職考題選115】廣告無所不在。Advertisements are everywhere.



Advertisements are everywhere. In order to draw our attention, advertisements have been 43 in different mediums and forms. They have been shown in buses and cars to 44 that people can see them wherever they go. They

can also be seen in balloons floating up in the air. On the Internet, advertisements will pop up on the 45 so that people cannot avoid them. Although most people might feel excited when first seeing them, they can still 46 them away whenever they like. But people can do almost nothing about it if pop-up ads 47 on television. It can really affect people and most people aren’t happy to see them.



44(A)take care(B)make sure(C)pay off(D)act out



47(A)perform(B)watch(C)appear (D)sing

寫好的同學放鬆一下,我們順便來學學跟attention 相關的英文吧!


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這是位於美國Ohio俄亥俄州 Willoughby威洛比

Attention Getters, 是一家招牌製作公司


答案:43.( D ) 44.( B ) 45.( A ) 46.( C ) 47.( C )


Advertisements are everywhere. 廣告無所不在。 In order to draw our attention, advertisements have been 43 displayed in different mediums and forms. 為了引起我們的注意,廣告以不同的媒介和形式43展現They have been shown in buses and cars to 44 make sure that people can see them wherever they go. 他們已經在巴士和汽車上展示過,以44確保人們可以在任何地方看到他們。They

can also be seen in balloons floating up in the air. 他們也可以看到氣球飄起來。On the Internet, advertisements will pop up on the 45 screen so that people cannot avoid them. 在網際網路上,廣告會彈出在45螢幕上,使人們無法避開它們。Although most people might feel excited when first seeing them, they can still 46 click them away whenever they like. 儘管大多數人第一次看到他們會感到興奮,但當他們喜歡的時候仍然可以隨時46點擊But people can do almost nothing about it if pop-up ads

47 appear on television. 但是,如果電視上47出現彈出式廣告,人們幾乎無法做任何事情。It can really affect people and most people aren’t happy to see them.它可以真正影響到人們,大多數人不高興看到他們。


B44(A)take care(B)make sure(C)pay off(D)act out



C47(A)perform(B)watch(C)appear (D)sing





