2019年7月12日 星期五

【公職考題選092】自然主義者認為狼是荒野的重要組成部分。Naturalists believe the wolves are an essential part of the wilderness.

     Those who are in favor of bringing the wolves back to Yellowstone have their arguments. Biologists say that wolves 41 an important part in the ecosystem of this wilderness area. Through their 42 they remove the weak and diseased members of the elk and deer populations. They keep the population 43 growing too large.    
     Naturalists believe the wolves are an essential part of the wilderness. And they are the only part of the ecosystem that is 44 from the Yellowstone area. Naturalists want to restore Yellowstone to the way it 45 before Columbus set foot in America in 1492. They want visitors to the park to have the experience of hearing wolves howl at night—an experience many describe as the best the wilderness has to offer.

41 (A)use (B)play (C)give (D)worth
42 (A)mating(B) hunting (C)growing (D)bombing
43 (A)to (B)on (C)out (D)from
44 (A)to miss (B)missed (C)missing (D)to be missed
45 (A)is (B)was(C)were (D)has been


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St Francis Wolf Sanctuary動物收容所


答案:41.( B ) 42.( B ) 43.( D ) 44.( C ) 45.( B )
    Those who are in favor of bringing the wolves back to Yellowstone have their arguments. 那些贊成把狼帶回黃石的人有他們的論點。Biologists say that wolves 41 play an important part(扮演重要角色) in the ecosystem of this wilderness area. 生物學家說,狼在這個荒野地區的生態系統中扮演重要角色。Through their 42 hunting they remove the weak and diseased members of the elk and deer populations. 通過他們的狩獵,他們消除了麋鹿和鹿種群中的弱小成員。They keep the population 43 from growing too large. 他們阻止人口過度增長。
    Naturalists believe the wolves are an essential part of the wilderness. 自然主義者認為狼是荒野的重要組成部分。And they are the only part of the ecosystem that is 44 missing from the Yellowstone area. 而且它們是黃石地區缺少生態系統的唯一部分。Naturalists want to restore Yellowstone to the way it 45 was before Columbus set foot in America in 1492. 自然主義者希望在1492年哥倫布進入美國之前恢復黃石。They want visitors to the park to have the experience of hearing wolves howl(狼嚎) at night—an experience many describe as the best the wilderness has to offer.
他們希望遊客到公園去體驗狼群的夜晚嚎叫 - 許多人認為這是最好的荒野。

B41 (A)use (B)play (C)give (D)worth
B42 (A)mating(B) hunting (C)growing (D)bombing
D43 (A)to (B)on (C)out (D)from
C44 (A)to miss (B)missed (C)missing (D)to be missed
B45 (A)is (B)was(C)were (D)has been

41 相關補充
  [片語]play an important part扮演重要角色
[片語]play an important role 扮演重要角色
43 相關補充
  keep A from B保持A無法B
 = prevent A from B 阻止A無法B
 =hinder A from B  阻止A無法B


