2019年9月6日 星期五

【公職考題選106】健康飲食healthy diet

題目:閱讀測驗【103地特五等各類科第 41 題至第 45 題】
For decades, childhood obesity rates have been on the rise. Now some U.S. cities are seeing progress in their fight against fat. New York City showed a 5.5% drop in the number of overweight children from 2007 to 2011. Philadelphia showed a 4.7% drop, and Los Angeles a 3% drop. Declining childhood obesity rates have also been reported in parts of Mississippi, the state with the highest obesity rate in the nation.
In 2011, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began a project to combat childhood obesity. The project’s goal is to find ways to make healthy changes in a community’s schools, food stores, parks and other places. For example,  Philadelphia works with an organization called the Food Trust to connect schools with local farms and bring fresh vegetables to cafeterias. New York City has required chain restaurants to post calorie information on their menus. Mississippi created a program called “Fruits & Veggies: More Matters” to teach kids how to add healthy foods to their daily diets. These examples send a clear message: Any community that makes these kinds of changes over a few years will see their children get healthier.
Now schools nationwide are doing their part. Fried food has disappeared from many cafeteria menus. Whole-wheat bread has replaced white bread. 45 Drinks like water and low-fat milk have replaced sugary beverages, including fruit punch, sports drinks and soda. Many schools have banned junk food and require healthier snack options in vending machines.

41 What does the word “obesity” in the article most likely mean?
42 Which city/state showed the biggest decline in childhood obesity rate?
(B)New York City.
(C)Los Angeles.
A43 What is the third paragraph mainly about?
(A)Some healthy choices.
(B)Some nutritional facts.
(C)Some medical treatments.
(D)Some weight control myths.
44 Which measure was taken by Philadelphia to combat childhood obesity?
(A)Establishing chain restaurants all over the city.
(B)Providing fresh vegetables in school cafeterias.
(C)Giving calorie information on restaurant menus.
(D)Teaching children how to go on a healthy diet.
45 Which of the following will most likely appear in a healthy diet?
(A)Fried food.
(B)White bread.
(C)Sugary beverages.
(D)Low-fat milk.


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答案:41.( B ) 42.( B ) 43.( A ) 44.( B ) 45.( D )
41 For decades, childhood obesity rates have been on the rise. 幾十年來,兒童肥胖率一直在上升。Now some U.S. cities are seeing progress in their fight against fat. 現在美國一些城市在抗肥方面正在取得進展。 42 New York City showed a 5.5% drop in the number of overweight children from 2007 to 2011. 紐約市20072011年的超重兒童數量下降5.5%。Philadelphia showed a 4.7% drop, and Los Angeles a 3% drop. 費城下降4.7%,洛杉磯下降3%。Declining childhood obesity rates have also been reported in parts of Mississippi, the state with the highest obesity rate in the nation.
In 2011, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began a project to combat childhood obesity. 2011年,疾病控制和預防中心(CDC)開始了一個打擊兒童肥胖的項目。 The project’s goal is to find ways to make healthy changes in a community’s schools, food stores, parks and other places. 該項目的目標是想方設法在社區的學校,食品店,公園等地方做出健康的改變。For example, 44 Philadelphia works with an organization called the Food Trust to connect schools with local farms and bring fresh vegetables to cafeterias. 例如,費城與一家名為食品信託基金的組織合作,將學校與當地農場連接起來,並將新鮮蔬菜帶到自助餐廳。 New York City has required chain restaurants to post calorie information on their menus. 紐約市已經要求連鎖餐廳在他們的菜單上發布卡路里信息。 Mississippi created a program called “Fruits & Veggies: More Matters” to teach kids how to add healthy foods to their daily diets. 密西西比州制定了一項名為水果和蔬菜:更多問題的計劃,教孩子們如何在日常飲食中添加健康食品。 These examples send a clear message: Any community that makes these kinds of changes over a few years will see their children get healthier.這些例子發出了一個明確的信息:任何一個在幾年內發生這種變化的社區都會看到他們的孩子變得更健康。
Now schools nationwide are doing their part. 現在全國的學校正在儘自己的一份力量。 Fried food has disappeared from many cafeteria menus. 油炸食品已從許多食堂菜單中消失。Whole-wheat bread has replaced white bread. 全麥麵包已經取代了白麵包。45 Drinks like water and low-fat milk have replaced sugary beverages, including fruit punch, sports drinks and soda. 飲料如水和低脂牛奶已經取代了含糖飲料,包括果汁飲料,運動飲料和蘇打水。 43 Many schools have banned junk food and require healthier snack options in vending machines. 許多學校已經禁止垃圾食品,並要求在自動售貨機上提供更健康的零食。

B41 What does the word “obesity” in the article most likely mean?

B42 Which city/state showed the biggest decline in childhood obesity rate?
(B)New York City.
(C)Los Angeles.
A43 What is the third paragraph mainly about?
(A)Some healthy choices.
(B)Some nutritional facts.
(C)Some medical treatments.
(D)Some weight control myths.
B44 Which measure was taken by Philadelphia to combat childhood obesity?
(A)Establishing chain restaurants all over the city.
(B)Providing fresh vegetables in school cafeterias.
(C)Giving calorie information on restaurant menus.
(D)Teaching children how to go on a healthy diet.
D45 Which of the following will most likely appear in a healthy diet?
(A)Fried food.
(B)White bread.
(C)Sugary beverages.
(D)Low-fat milk.


