2019年1月30日 星期三

【公職考題選015】看啊!有東西飛進他嘴裡了!Look! Something is flying into his mouth!

John ate and yawned with his mouth wide open. His ______manners shocked everyone.
(A)vulgar Bdelicate Ccivil Ddecent

寫好的同學放鬆一下, 我們順便來學學跟 yawn 相關的英文吧!

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Yawn Street ( “打呵欠街 ,哈哈! 很有趣吧?
不過翻譯時要音譯, 翻譯成亞恩街” )


答案:(A )


John 1ate and 2yawned 3with his mouth wide open. 4His vulgar manners shocked everyone.
1ate(吃)動詞時態變化:  eat, ate, eaten, eating
2yawned(打呵欠)動詞時態變化: yawn, yawned, yawned, yawning
4His vulgar manners S.(主詞)shocked V.(動詞) everyone.

同學,答對了嗎? 有什麼問題都可以在下面留言發問喔! 下回見!

2019年1月28日 星期一

【公職考題選014】令人驚嚇的東西來了! Here comes the bogeyman!

For decades inflation was the bogeyman in rich countries. But now some economists reckon that deflation, or falling prices, may be a more serious threat—in America and Europe as well as Japan. That would be decidedly awkward, given the surge in borrowing by firms and households in recent years. Particularly worrying is the rise in borrowing by American households to finance purchases of houses, cars or luxury goods. Deflation would swell the real burden of these debts, forcing consumers to cut their spending.
Deflation is not necessarily bad. If falling prices are caused by faster productivity growth, as happened in the late 19th century, then it can go hand in hand with robust growth. On the other hand, if deflation reflects a slump in demand and excess capacity, it can be dangerous, as it was in the 1930s,  triggering a downward spiral of demand and prices.
Today, both the good and bad sorts of deflation are at work. Some prices are falling because of productivity gains, thanks to information technology. But the weakness of profits suggests that most deflation is now bad, not good. Deflation is particularly harmful when an economy is awash with debt. Total private-sector debt is now much higher than when deflation was last experienced in the 1930s. Falling prices not only increase the real burden of debt, they also make it impossible for a central bank to deliver negative real interest rates, because nominal rates cannot go below zero.

If deflation causes real debts to swell, debtors may have to cut spending and sell assets to meet their payments. This can unleash a vicious spiral of falling incomes, asset prices and rising real debt. Irving Fisher, an American economist, described this process in a famous article in 1993 entitled “The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions”. He described how attempts by individuals to reduce their debt burden by cutting costs could paradoxically cause their debt burden to swell. Unable to increase prices to boost profits, firms have to cut costs, either by reducing labour costs and hence household income or by buying less from other firms. This is sensible for an individual firm, but it reduces demand in the economy, thwarting the desired improvement in profit, leading to another round of cuts and putting further downward pressure on prices.


46.The word “bogeyman” is used to express that inflation was
(B)well studied
(C)not a problem
47. The primary purpose of this passage is to
(A)inform what happens when price level rises
(B)inform how dangerous it could be when price level goes down
(C)compares between inflation and deflation
(D)argue for a strong deflation
48. Under what situation would deflation not be a threat to the society?
(A)When product availability exceeds people’s demands
(B)When firms are borrowing money from the banks for business
(C)When people are borrowing to purchase houses
(D)When it is caused by faster productivity growth
49.According to the passage, what does downward spiral of demand and prices refer to?
(A)the prices go up but the demand goes down
(B)the prices go up but the demand goes up
(C)the prices go down but the demand goes down
(D)the prices go down and the demand goes up
50.Which of the following is NOT true of deflation?
(A)Deflation could be both good and bad.
(B)Deflation could cause real debts to swell.
(C)The surge in borrowing by firms and households causes deflation.
(D)Both the good and bad sorts of deflation can be seen today.

寫好的同學放鬆一下,我們順便來學學跟"美國Wall Street華爾街金融商圈"相關的英文吧!

跟著 "Google 地圖" 學英文
 Charging Bull華爾街銅牛
Charging Bull華爾街銅牛及Fearless Girl無畏懼的女孩

答案46.A 47.B 48.D 49.C 50.C

For decades inflation was the bogeyman46 in rich countries. 幾十年來,通貨膨脹在富國是令人驚嚇的東西。47But now some economists reckon that deflation, or falling prices, may be a more serious threat—in America and Europe as well as Japan. 但現在一些經濟學家認為,通貨緊縮或價格下跌可能是一個更嚴重的威脅 - 在美國和歐洲以及日本。That would be decidedly awkward, 50given the surge in borrowing by firms and households in recent years. 畫線的字是補述用法,given的前面省略which is兩字,為關係子句,用來補充說明前面的That would be decidedly awkward. 這將是決定性的棘手的問題,拜近年來企業和家庭的借款激增所賜。Particularly worrying is the rise in borrowing by American households to finance purchases of houses, cars or luxury goods. 特別令人擔憂的是,美國家庭借款融資購買房屋,汽車或奢侈品的增加。Deflation would swell the real burden of these debts, forcing consumers to cut their spending. 通貨緊縮將會加劇這些債務的真正負擔,迫使消費者削減開支。
48Deflation is not necessarily bad. 通貨緊縮並不一定是壞的。If falling prices are caused by faster productivity growth, as happened in the late 19th century, then it can go hand in hand with robust growth.如果價格下跌起因於較快的生長率,像19世紀後期發生的那樣,那麼它可以與強勁的增長並駕齊驅。On the other hand, if deflation reflects a slump in demand and excess capacity, it can be dangerous, as it was in the 1930s, 49 triggering a downward spiral of demand and prices. 另一方面,如果通貨緊縮反映了需求下滑和產能過剩,那麼在20世紀30年代(1930~1939),這可能是危險的,引發了需求和價格的下降。
Today, both the good and bad sorts of deflation are at work. 今天,好的和壞的通貨緊縮都在工作。Some prices are falling because of productivity gains, thanks to information technology.由於信息技術,由於生產力的提高,有些價格正在下降。 But the weakness of profits suggests that most deflation is now bad, not good. 但利潤的弱點表明,大多數通貨緊縮現在不好,不好。 Deflation is particularly harmful when an economy is awash with debt.當經濟充滿債務時,通貨緊縮特別有害。 Total private-sector debt is now much higher than when deflation was last experienced in the 1930s. 私營部門的債務總額現在遠高於20世紀30年代通貨緊縮的時期。Falling prices not only increase the real burden of debt, they also make it impossible for a central bank to deliver negative real interest rates, because nominal rates cannot go below zero.價格下跌不僅增加了債務的真正負擔,而且使得央行不可能實現負面實際利率,因為名義利率不能低於零。

If deflation causes real debts to swell, debtors may have to cut spending and sell assets to meet their payments. 如果通貨緊縮導致實際債務膨脹,債務人可能不得不削減支出並出售資產以支付其付款。This can unleash a vicious spiral of falling incomes, asset prices and rising real debt. 這可以釋放收入下降,資產價格和實際負債上升的惡性循環。Irving Fisher, an American economist, described this process in a famous article in 1993 entitled “The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions”. 國經濟學家歐文·費舍爾(Irving Fisher)在1993年題為大蕭條的債務通貨膨脹理論的著名文章中描述了這一進程。He described how attempts by individuals to reduce their debt burden by cutting costs could paradoxically cause their debt burden to swell.他描述了個人如何通過削減成本來減輕債務負擔的嘗試可能會引起債務負擔膨脹。Unable to increase prices to boost profits, firms have to cut costs, either by reducing labour costs and hence household income or by buying less from other firms. 無法提高價格以提高利潤,企業必須降低成本,無論是通過降低勞動力成本,從而降低家庭收入,或者減少其他企業的收入。
This is sensible for an individual firm, but it reduces demand in the economy, thwarting the desired improvement in profit, leading to another round of cuts and putting further downward pressure on prices. 這對一家公司來說是明智的,但它減少了經濟需求,阻礙了利潤的理想改善,導致另一輪削減,並進一步下調了價格壓力。

A46.The word “bogeyman” is used to express that inflation was
(B)well studied
(C)not a problem

B47. The primary purpose of this passage is to
(A)inform what happens when price level rises
(B)inform how dangerous it could be when price level goes down
(C)compares between inflation and deflation
(D)argue for a strong deflation

D48. Under what situation would deflation not be a threat to the society?
(A)When product availability exceeds people’s demands
(B)When firms are borrowing money from the banks for business
(C)When people are borrowing to purchase houses
(D)When it is caused by faster productivity growth
C49. According to the passage, what does downward spiral of demand and prices refer to?
(A)the prices go up but the demand goes down
(B)the prices go up but the demand goes up
(C)the prices go down but the demand goes down
(D)the prices go down and the demand goes up
C50.Which of the following is NOT true of deflation?
(A)Deflation could be both good and bad.
(B)Deflation could cause real debts to swell.
(C)The surge in borrowing by firms and households causes deflation.
(D)Both the good and bad sorts of deflation can be seen today.

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2019年1月25日 星期五

【公職考題選013】養不教,父母之過。It is a parent’s fault to have a child without teaching him.

養小孩似乎越來越不容易了. 同學來做做看下面這篇文章
It is vital that parents recognize the strong influence they 41  on their children’s educational decisions and career paths. The most significant factors appear  42  the size of the family, parenting style, and the attitudes parents have about work in general.  43  is essential for parents to recognize that the long, ever-changing process of career choice begins when children are still young. Educators  44  parents who are not aware of the importance of their  45 , positive or negative, influence on their children.
41(A) take (B)get (C)have (D)pull
42(A)be (B)been (C) being (D)to be
43(A)He (B)What (C)It (D)Which
44(A)are concerned about (B)have the idea (C)get the opinions (D)are in the mood
45 (A)scattering (B)enduring (C)finite (D)drifting


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名稱是Vital Learning (我把它翻譯成 "維多進修中心")
哈哈, 它不是進修中心
它是一個健身中心 (Vital Strength and Fitness 維多健身中心)
因此,同學們現在應該知道Vital除了是 "極為重要的"的意思外
也常常被用來當做店名喔, "維多" 聽起來還蠻響亮的

答案:41( C )  42( D )  43( C )  44(A)  45(B)
It is vital(極為重要的)that parents recognize the strong influence ( they 41 have on their children’s educational decisions and career paths. 本句influence後面省略which(關係代名詞),因為是做為have on的受詞所以可以省略。括號內的字是關係子句用來修飾 "先行詞" influence父母意識到他們對子女的教育決策和職業發展道路有強烈的影響是極為重要的。The most significant factors appear 42 to be the size of the family, parenting style, and the attitudesparents have about work in general. 括號內的字用來修飾attitudes最重要的因素似乎是家庭的大小,養育風格,以及父母對一般工作的態度。 43 It is essential for parents to recognize that the long, ever-changing process of career choice begins when children are still young. 此句型為 It is ~ for A to V.(對A來說做某事是~父母必須瞭解,當孩子還年輕的時候,便開始了長期不斷變化的職業選擇過程。Educators 44 are concerned about parents (who are not aware of the importance of their 45 enduring, positive or negative, influence on their children). 括號中的字群用來修飾parents教育工作者關心的是,那些不知道他們對孩子的容忍、積極或消極影響的重要性的父母

C 41(A) take (B)get (C)have (D)pull
D 42(A)be (B)been (C) being (D)to be
C 43(A)He (B)What (C)It (D)Which
A 44(A)are concerned about (B)have the idea (C)get the opinions (D)are in the mood
B 45 (A)scattering (B)enduring (C)finite (D)drifting

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2019年1月23日 星期三

【公職考題選012】你喜歡鳥嗎? Do you like birds?

Over millions of years, birds such as ostriches, emus and penguins have ________ lost the ability to fly.
(A)gradually (B)properly (C)suddenly(D)temporarily


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這是位於美國加州洛杉磯 Westwood Boulevard( 西屋大道)上的Penguin's Frozen Yogurt, 它是一家賣優格霜淇淋的連鎖商店,用Penguin (企鵝)來做店名,十分有趣.

一首由P!nk翻唱的 A Million Dreams一百萬個夢想

收錄在《The Greatest Showman – Reimagined》

The Greatest Showman(電影:大娛樂家)

答案:( A )

1Over millions of years, birds 2such as ostriches, emus and penguins have gradually lost the ability to fly.
1Over millions of years超過數百萬年以上
2such as(例如)後面加名詞。比較 for example 也是「例如」,但是後面要加子句。
ostriches : 鴕鳥
emus : 鴯鶓(又名澳洲鸵鸟)

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2019年1月21日 星期一

【公職考題選011】你的母語是什麼? What is your mother tongue?

下面這題有點像在考歷史常識, 同學一起做做看
India, Malaysia, and the Philippines used to be _______ by the English-speaking powers.
(A)invented (B)ruled (C)designed(D)finished

寫好的同學,放鬆一下,我們順便來學學跟 "本題答案" 相關的英文吧!

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rule creek.jpg
這是位於美國華盛頓州Olympic National Forest(奧林匹克國家森林)北邊的
一溪流,叫做Rule Creek(路爾溪), 也就是在Seattle(西雅圖)的西邊.

答案:( B )
India, Malaysia, and the Philippinesused to be ruled by the English-speaking powers.
used to be ruled by ~(過去被~統治)

同學,今天收穫不少吧? 有什麼問題都可以在下面留言發問喔! 下回見!

2019年1月19日 星期六

【公職考題選010】恭喜!你得到這份證書了!Congratulations! You got this certificate.

你住在什麼街呢 ?
 After our new staff members ________ the training program, they will receive a certificate.
(A)complete (B)compete (C)complain (D)command

寫好的同學,放鬆一下,我們順便來學學跟 "本題答案" 相關的英文吧!

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這是位於匹茲堡的 "Complete Street" (完成街)的街景,我好喜歡這種 style (樣式) 的房子呢!

答案:( A )
【譯】在我們的新員工 完成 培訓計劃之後,他們將收到一份證書。

本題考點考單字:complete 完成
1After our new staff members 2complete the training program, they will 3receive a certificate.
1After (在之後)
2completev. 完成)同義字:finish, terminate, end
動詞時態(規則)變化:  complete ,completed, completed, completing
complete也可當形容詞表示「完整的;全部的」。同義字 : whole
3receive a certificate(收到一份證書)
receive的同義字:accept, admit, gain, get, obtain, take in

同學,今天收穫不少吧 ? 繼續努力,加油 ! 有什麼問題都可以在下面留言發問喔 !

2019年1月17日 星期四

【公職考題選009】你看過今天的漫畫了嗎?Have you ever seen today’s comics?

Comics is a mono-sensory medium; it relies on only one of the ______ to convey a world of experience.

(A)sensors (B)senses (C)scents (D)scenes

寫好的同學放鬆一下,我們順便來學學跟 Comics 有關的英文吧!

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Bedrock City Comics Company
有沒有看到Graphic Novels這兩個字?

答案:( B  )
[譯]漫畫是一種單一感官媒介; 它依賴於__感官__中唯一的一個來傳達一個經驗世界。

Comics is a mono-sensory medium; it 1relies on only one of the senses to 2convey a world of experience.
1relies on : 依賴於
Q:有同學問為什麼這裡不是寫成 relys on ?
A:原形為rely on. 因前面主詞It為第三人稱單數所以動詞字尾要加ses,但rely字尾是子音+y所以要去yies.
2convey : 傳達

Graphic Novels : 圖文小說
同學,答對了嗎? 有什麼問題都可以在下面留言發問喔!下回見!

2019年1月15日 星期二

【公職考題選008】你是我的陽光。You are my sunshine.

(     ) You have stayed _________ all morning, and you don’t  look well. You should go out and enjoy the sunshine.
(A)lately (B)indoors (C)early (D)outdoors

寫好的同學放鬆一下,我們來看看Boston Public Garden波士頓公共花園吧!

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Boston Public Garden
這是位於美國波士頓的公共花園,空氣清新, 金黃色的陽光(sunshine)灑滿大地, 我甚至聞到花香了.你呢? 點進去逛逛吧!

一首由 Elizabeth Mitchell所演唱的You are my sunshine.


 題目 You 1have stayed _________ all morning, and you don’t 2look well. You 3should go out and enjoy the sunshine.
           (A)lately (B)indoors (C)early (D)outdoors
考點:片語 stayed indoors (待在室內) go out (外出) 互為相反詞
1have stayed(已經待在~):現在完成式have+p.p.
2look well(看起來很好):look在此是連綴動詞,表示「看起來~」
連綴動詞尚有:一. "感官類"的:feel摸起來, sound聽起來, smell聞起來, taste嚐起來.
                       . 還有刷存在感的"狀態類"
be動詞,  appear出現,  become變成;變得,  get得到,  grow生長;長成,
prove證實;證明,  remain保持;持續,   seem似乎,   turn轉為;轉成。
技巧 如果弄不清楚這文法規則,就把這些動詞都看作是be動詞就很好解題了。就是be動詞後面加…形容詞
ALet’s go shopping! 我們去逛街吧!
      BIt sounds great! 那聽起來不錯!

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