2019年4月18日 星期四


題目閱讀測驗【104地特五等一般第 46 題至第 50 題】
    Problem solver. Creative. Works well under pressure. These are key personality traits employers will be seeking no matter what position they’re hiring for—and chances are, you resume probably already showcases them in some way. But these days, hiring managers from some firms aren’t content to take job seekers at their word—they want to see it to believe it. And that’s why some companies have turned the interview process on its head. Instead of the traditional questions you might expect in an interview, they’re giving candidates problems to solve—problems which, at first glance, might seem totally random. Google, for example, has been known to ask, “How many people are using Facebook in San Francisco at 2:30 PM on a Friday?” Hewlett-Packard asks, “If Germans were the tallest people in the world, how would you prove it?” No doubt, these are tough questions but there is no need to panic. Your interviewer isn’t necessarily looking for a right answer. He wants simply to determine how quickly you can think on your feet, how you’ll approach a difficult situation, and, most importantly, whether you can remain positive and proactive and make progress in the face of a challenge.
46 What is the passage mainly about?
 (A)Effective resume writing. (B) Comparison between Google and Hewlett-Packard.
 (C)Rising popularity of Facebook.  (D)Challenges to today’s interviewees.
47 According to the passage, which of the following is an essential characteristic of a potential employee in the eye of the employer?
 (A)Good command of English. (B) Attractive appearance.
 (C)Great computer skills.  (D)Problem-solving ability.
48 What does the pronoun them refer to?
 (A)Chances.  (B)Employers.  (C)Traits.  (D)Works.
49 What would a proactive person most likely do?
 (A)Panic when danger approaches. (B) Escape from work pressure.
 (C)Take action and make changes in advance.  (D)Take hiring managers at their word.
50 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
 (A)A candidate should highlight his/her strengths in the resume.
 (B)“How many tennis balls can you fit into a limousine?” is a common interview question today.
 (C)Nowadays company managers want their employees to be able to make quick decisions.
 (D)Interviewers today always expect the interviewees to give the right answers to the questions they raise.

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答案:46.( D ) 47.( D ) 48.( C ) 49.( C ) 50.( D )
47 Problem solver. 問題解決。Creative. 創意。 Works well under pressure. 在壓力下運作良好。
These are key personality traits employers will be seeking no matter what position they’re hiring for—and chances are, 48 you resume probably already showcases them in some way. 這些都是雇主們所要找的關鍵人格特徵,不管他們要僱用什麼職位,以及什麼機會,你的簡歷可能已經以某種方式展現出來了。46 But these days, hiring managers from some firms aren’t content to take job seekers at their word—they want to see it to believe it. 但是現在,一些公司的招聘經理並不滿足於僅採信求職者的話,他們希望眼見為憑。And that’s why some companies have turned the interview process on its head. 這就是為什麼有些公司把面試過程當頭棒喝。Instead of the traditional questions you might expect in an interview, they’re giving candidates problems to solve—problems which, at first glance, might seem totally random. 不像是你在面試中可能期望會遇到的傳統問題,他們給候選人一些問題去想辦法解決 - 乍看之下,可能似乎很隨便。Google, for example, has been known to ask, “How many people are using Facebook in San Francisco at 2:30 PM on a Friday?” 舉例來說,谷歌曾經問過:星期五下午2:30在舊金山有多少人在使用Facebook”Hewlett-Packard asks, “If Germans were the tallest people in the world, how would you prove it?” 惠普問道:如果德國人是世界上最高的人,你會如何證明給我看?”No doubt, these are tough questions but there is no need to panic. 毫無疑問,這些都是棘手的問題,但沒有必要恐慌。50 Your interviewer isn’t necessarily looking for a right answer. 你的面試官不一定是在尋找一個正確的答案。 He wants simply to determine how quickly you can think on your feet, how you’ll approach a difficult situation, and, most importantly, whether you can remain positive and 49 proactive and make progress in the face of a challenge.他只是想確定你能用多快的腳步來思考,你如何面對困難的情況,最重要的是,在面臨挑戰時是否保持正面、主動和積極進取。

D46 What is the passage mainly about?
 (A)Effective resume writing. (B) Comparison between Google and Hewlett-Packard.
 (C)Rising popularity of Facebook. (D)Challenges to today’s interviewees.
(C)Facebook日益流行。 (D)應聘者今日的挑戰。
D47 According to the passage, which of the following is an essential characteristic of a potential employee in the eye of the employer?
 (A)Good command of English. (B) Attractive appearance.
 (C)Great computer skills.  (D)Problem-solving ability.
(A)良好的英語水平。 B)有吸引力的外觀。
(C)偉大的電腦技能。 (D)解決問題的能力。
C48 What does the pronoun them refer to?
 (A)Chances.  (B)Employers. (C)Traits. (D)Works.
(A)有可能。 (B)雇主。 (C)特質。 (D)工程。
C49 What would a proactive person most likely do?
    (A)Panic when danger approaches.
(B) Escape from work pressure.
    (C)Take action and make changes in advance.
 (D)Take hiring managers at their word.
(A)當危險接近時會恐慌。 (B)逃避工作壓力。
(C)採取行動,提前做出更改。 (D)以招聘經理的話來說。
D50 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
 (A)A candidate should highlight his/her strengths in the resume.
 (B)“How many tennis balls can you fit into a limousine?” is a common interview question today.
 (C)Nowadays company managers want their employees to be able to make quick decisions.
 (D)Interviewers today always expect the interviewees to give the right answers to the questions they raise.


