2019年6月29日 星期六

【公職考題選088】亨利很聰明。Henry is very smart.

Henry is very smart, and he knows how to _____the difficult problem.
(A)burn up (B)deal with (C)stop by (D)wake up


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這是位於美國MISSOURI密蘇里州Kansas City堪薩斯城的

World Smart LED KC燈飾店

答案:( B )


2019年6月26日 星期三

【公職考題選087】貨比三家不吃虧。Shop around without losing money.

This CD player is more expensive than_____ in the store.
(A)all together (B)any other (C)others (D)all 


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Convenient Store 便利商店

答案:( B )
選項(C)若改為the others(其餘的)就正確

one…,and the other…(一個…, 另一個…)共兩個
例句:I have two dogs. One is black, and the other is white.
one…, another…(一個…,另一個…)
例句:To know is one thing, to do is another. “知道是一回事, “又是一回事.
Some…, others… (有些…,有些…)
例句:Some apples are fresh, others are not. (有些蘋果是新鮮的, 有些則不.)
例句: Some people prefer to adopt infants; others adopt older children. 有些人喜歡收養嬰兒; 有些人收養大一點的小孩子。Some couples adopt children from their own countries; others adopt children from foreign countries. 一些夫婦收養來自本國的兒童; 其他人則收養來自外國的兒童。[103初等各類科閱讀測驗]

*one another指三人或三人以上之間的互相; 彼此
My classmates help one another when we met some problems.

*Each other指兩人之間的互相; 彼此
John and I love each other. 約翰和我彼此相愛。


2019年6月23日 星期日

【公職考題選086】“墮胎” 對上“反墮胎” “Pro-choice” v.s. “Pro-life”

        According to “pro-life” supporters, a fertilized human egg is a human being. Any effort to stop its development is murder. No one has the right to kill another human being, and so abortion, to end a pregnancy and kill a life, should not be legal.   
Moreover, pro-life groups often emphasize the importance of motherhood to women. They argue that abortion can do terrible damage to a woman’s body and mind.
      “Pro-choice” groups, on the other hand, support a woman’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. They argue that a woman has the right to control her body and to determine her future. Besides, as the majority of fertilized eggs are lost from the womb naturally and do not develop further, it is wrong to see an embryo or a fetus as a person, with a right to life.
46 What is the main topic of the article?
(A)Motherhood (B)Children (C)Eggs (D)Abortion
47 According to the article, “pro-life” supporters see a human embryo as a ____.
(A)killer (B)womb (C)person (D)lawyer
48 According to the article, which of the following is “pro-life” supporters’ argument?
(A)Women who have an abortion will suffer physically and mentally.
(B)Motherhood is not important to women at all.
(C)Men love women who oppose abortion more than those who are for it.
(D)Men will have an affair if their wives have an abortion.
49 According to the article, “pro-choice” groups argue that _____.
(A)it’s wrong to end a pregnancy
(B)women should be allowed to make choices for themselves
(C)a fetus has a right to life
(D)children are unimportant to women
50 It can be inferred from the article that for “pro-choice” groups, abortion is a _____.
(A)dangerous choice (B)medical issue (C)serious crime (D)human right


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這是位於美國加州Rancho Cucamonga庫卡蒙格牧場的

Employment Development Department (Workforce Department)



答案:46.( D ) 47.( C ) 48.( A ) 49.( B ) 50.( D )
     47 According to “pro-life” supporters, a fertilized human egg is a human being. 根據反墮胎的支持者,受精卵是人類。 Any effort to stop its development is murder. 任何阻止其發展的努力都是謀殺。No one has the right to kill another human being, and so 46 abortion, to end a pregnancy and kill a life, should not be legal. 沒有人有權殺死另一個人,並且墮胎,終止懷孕和殺死一個生命,不應該是合法的。 
         Moreover, pro-life groups often emphasize the importance of motherhood to women. 此外,反墮胎組織往往強調母親對女性的重要性。They argue that 48 abortion can do terrible damage to a woman’s body and mind. 他們認為墮胎可以對女人的身心造成可怕的傷害。
       “Pro-choice” groups, on the other hand, 49 support a woman’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. 另一方面,主張墮胎組織支持婦女有選擇是否墮胎的權利。They argue that a woman has the right to control her body and to determine her future. 他們認為,女人有權控制自己的身體,並確定自己的未來。Besides, as the majority of fertilized eggs are lost from the womb naturally and do not develop further, it is wrong to see an embryo or a fetus as a person, with a right to life. 此外,由於大多數受精卵自然從子宮內流失,不會進一步發育,因此將胚胎或胎兒視為具有生命權的人是錯誤的。

D46 What is the main topic of the article?
(A)Motherhood (B)Children (C)Eggs (D)Abortion
C47 According to the article, “pro-life” supporters see a human embryo as a ____.
(A)killer (B)womb (C)person (D)lawyer
A48 According to the article, which of the following is “pro-life” supporters’ argument?
(A)Women who have an abortion will suffer physically and mentally.
(B)Motherhood is not important to women at all.
(C)Men love women who oppose(反對)abortion more than those who are for it.
(D)Men will have an affair if their wives have an abortion.
B49 According to the article, “pro-choice” groups argue that _____.
(A)it’s wrong to end a pregnancy
(B)women should be allowed to make choices for themselves
(C)a fetus has a right to life
(D)children are unimportant to women
D50 It can be inferred from the article that for “pro-choice” groups, abortion is a _____.
(A)dangerous choice (B)medical issue (C)serious crime (D)human right

英文字首pro- 意思是「比較喜歡」、「親-…」、「偏向」或「主張」的意思。
反對墮胎的人認為生命(life)最重要,不可殘殺生命(life),所以稱為 pro-life
主張可以墮胎的人,認為墮胎是個人的選擇(choice),所以稱為 pro-choice

偏向共產主義的人就可稱為 pro-communist
又如pro-Saudi Sunni 是指 -沙特遜尼派


2019年6月19日 星期三

【公職考題選085】成龍以他的動作片而聞名。Jackie Chan is famous for his action movies.

   Jackie Chan, possibly one of the biggest movie stars in the world, is famous for his action movies. In fact, Chan’s movies are more than simple action movies—they are action-comedies. He started using comedy early in his 41 when he was preparing to be the next Bruce Lee. He realized that his 42 face would stop him from being as tough as Lee, so he started to use comedy. But Chan quickly found that using humor was not so simple. His movie “Rush Hour” was a much 43 success in America and Europe than in Asia. Chan says this was because in different countries people have a different sense of humor. The humor in “Rush Hour” just didn’t work with 44 audiences. “From that time, I knew that I would have to make 45 movies a year; one for Asian market and one for American market.” Everyone likes humor, but the humor everyone likes is different.

41  (A)career  (B)family  (C)childhood  (D)retirement
42  (A)sad  (B)angry  (C)friendly  (D)tiresome
43  (A)taller  (B)heavier (C) bigger  (D)darker
44  (A)Asian  (B)African  (C)American (D) European
45  (A)one  (B)two  (C)three  (D)four


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這是位於美國MISSOURI密蘇里州Kansas City堪薩斯城的


答案:41.( A ) 42.( C ) 43.( C ) 44.( A ) 45.( B )
Jackie Chan, possibly one of the biggest movie stars in the world, is famous for his action movies. 成龍,可能是世界上最大的電影明星之一,以他的動作片而聞名。In fact, Chan’s movies are more than simple action movies—they are action-comedies. 事實上,陳的電影不僅僅是簡單的動作電影 - 他們是動作喜劇。He started using comedy early in his 41 career when he was preparing to be the next Bruce Lee. 當他準備成為下一個李小龍時,他在早期的職業生涯中開始使用喜劇。He realized that his 42 friendly face would stop him from being as tough as Lee, so he started to use comedy. 他意識到他友善的面孔會阻礙他像李小龍一樣強硬,所以他開始使用喜劇。But Chan quickly found that using humor was not so simple. 但陳很快發現使用幽默不是那麼簡單。His movie “Rush Hour” was a much 43 bigger success in America and Europe than in Asia. 他的電影尖峰時刻在美國和歐洲取得了比亞洲更大的成功。Chan says this was because in different countries people have a different sense of humor. 陳說這是因為在不同的國家,人們有不同的幽默感。The humor in “Rush Hour” just didn’t work with 44 Asian audiences. “尖峰時刻的幽默對亞洲的觀眾無法奏效。“From that time, I knew that I would have to make 45 two movies a year; one for Asian market and one for American market.” “從那時起,我知道我一年要拍兩部電影,一個是亞洲市場,一個是美國市場。 Everyone likes humor, but the humor everyone likes is different. 每個人都喜歡幽默,但每個人都喜歡的幽默是不同的。

A41  (A)career  (B)family  (C)childhood  (D)retirement
C42 (A)sad  (B)angry  (C)friendly  (D)tiresome
C43 (A)taller  (B)heavier (C) bigger  (D)darker
A44  (A)Asian  (B)African (C)American (D) European
B45  (A)one  (B)two  (C)three  (D)four


2019年6月16日 星期日

【公職考題選084】請在這裡等一會兒。Please wait here for a while.

Please wait here for a while. I’ll have the documents_____ for you as quickly as possible.                                     

 (A)prepare (B) prepares  (C)prepared (D) preparing


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Document Translations,專門從事翻譯服務。

答案:( C )
( C )Please wait here for a while. I’ll have ; 使(使役動詞)the documents_____ for you as quickly as possible.                                     
(A)prepare (B) prepares  (C)prepared (D) preparing

( C )請在這裡等一會兒。 我會盡快為您準備好文件。

本題考 使役動詞makehavelet
Have +事物+p.p.(過去分詞) 某事物被做
例句:I’ll have the documents prepared for you as quickly as possible.我會盡快為您準備好文件。
Have++原形動詞  叫某人做某事
例句:My parents have me do my homework at once. 我的父母叫我立刻做回家功課.
