2019年6月5日 星期三

【公職考題選079】專業旅遊來了!Here comes the specialized tour.

Tourism today has become rather specialized. In addition to the general tours, which only allow the traveler to quickly visit one or two heritage sites and do a little shopping on the side, innovative travel agencies offer a number of itineraries for people with special interests. For modern-day religious pilgrims, trips are arranged to Jerusalem and Mecca. For people who are interested in nature, ocean liners retrace the voyages taken by the naturalist Charles Darwin. Nature lovers can also take ecological tours that teach how to distinguish the plant and insect life in preserved wetlands. One of the newer types of tourism is called dark tourism, which includes tours to cemeteries and prisons. The traveler can visit the tombs of famous people at a cemetery in Paris or visit prisons where well-known political prisoners or hardened criminals were imprisoned. For people who take such specialized tours, learning something is more important than just being able to say, “I’ve been there.”

46 The journey taken together by the faithful followers of a particular religion is called a _____.
(A)pilgrimage (B)pleasure trip (C)performance (D)general tour
47 An ocean tour that follows Darwin’s journeys would take you to see the unusual _____on remote islands in the Pacific.
(A)history museums (B)natural species (C)sea coast resorts (D)high-tech harbors
48 According to the paragraph, on an ecological tour you would most likely be given instruction in _____various species of plant life.
(A)cultivating (B)planting (C)identifying (D)hybridizing
49 The type of tourism called dark tourism could take you to visit a _____.
(A)medieval castle (B)burial site (C)political convention (D)battleground
50 From the paragraph we may assume that the writer most likely prefers_____ tours.
(A)expensive (B)specialized (C)ordinary (D)business


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答案:46.( A ) 47.( B ) 48.( C ) 49.( B ) 50.( B )
    Tourism today has become rather specialized. 今天的旅遊已變得相當專業化。In addition to the general tours, which only allow the traveler to quickly visit one or two heritage sites and do a little shopping on the side, innovative travel agencies offer a number of itineraries for people with special interests. 除了像一般的旅遊,只允許旅客快速訪問一個或兩個遺址,並一邊購物以外,創新的旅行社還提供了一些有特殊興趣的人的行程。For modern-day 46 religious pilgrims, trips are arranged to Jerusalem and Mecca. 對於現代宗教朝聖者,旅行社安排到耶路撒冷和麥加旅行。For people who are interested in nature, ocean liners retrace the voyages(航行)taken by 47 the naturalist 博物學家Charles Darwin. 對於那些對大自然感興趣的人來說,遠洋客輪往往追溯博物學家查爾斯·達爾文(Charles Darwin)的航行。Nature lovers can also take ecological tours(生態旅遊) 48that teach how to distinguish the plant and insect life in preserved wetlands. 自然愛好者也可以參加生態旅遊,教會如何區分濕地保護區中的植物和昆蟲的生活。One of the newer types of tourism is called 49 dark tourism, which includes tours to cemeteries and prisons. 其中一種較新類型的旅遊被稱為黑暗旅遊,其中包括墓地和監獄之旅。The traveler can visit the tombs(墳墓) of famous people at a cemetery in Paris or visit prisons where well-known political prisoners or hardened criminals were imprisoned(入獄). 旅行者可以在巴黎的墓地參觀名人的墳墓,也可以參觀知名的政治犯或頑固的罪犯入獄的監獄。For people who take such 50 specialized tours, learning something is more important than just being able to say, “I’ve been there.” 對於那些專業旅行的人來說,學習東西比能說我去過那裡更重要。

A46 The journey taken together by the faithful followers(信徒)of a particular religion is called a _____.
(A)  pilgrimage (B)pleasure trip (C)performance (D)general tour

B47 An ocean tour that follows Darwin’s journeys would take you to see the unusual _____on remote islands in the Pacific.
(A)history museums (B)natural species (C)sea coast resorts (D)high-tech harbors

C48 According to the paragraph, on an ecological tour you would most likely be given instruction in _____various species of plant life.
(A)cultivating (B)planting (C)identifying (D)hybridizing

(A)栽培(B)植物(C)鑑定; 辨別(D)雜交
B49 The type of tourism called dark tourism could take you to visit a _____.
(A)medieval castle (B)burial site (C)political convention (D)battleground

B50 From the paragraph we may assume that the writer most likely prefers_____ tours.
(A)expensive (B)specialized (C)ordinary (D)business

(A)昂貴的  (B)專業化的  (C)普通的   (D)商務的


