2019年5月1日 星期三

【公職考題選064】火鍋在亞洲很受歡迎。A hot pot is very popular in Asia.

Hot pot is an easy way to make a meal during the winter. It’s a favorite meal in Asia. You can choose the food to cook in it and also the 41 of soup you want. You will cook all the food in the soup in the pot. When the soup 42 , you can begin cooking the food. Let the food cook 43  about 10 minutes. When the food is done, use your chopsticks or a spoon to put the food in a bowl. When you eat your food, you can add 44  kinds of sauces. After you eat all the food in the hot pot, don’t forget the soup! It will taste very good after you cook your vegetables and meat in it. A hot pot meal is a good time for friends and family to 45  to eat and talk, so don’t eat quickly!

41  (A)kind  (B)race  (C)meat  (D)bean
42  (A)studies  (B)sleeps (C)breathes  (D)boils
43  (A)in (B)on (C)for   (D) under
44  (A)double  (B)different  (C)direct (D)determined
45  (A)get together  (B)turn over  (C)come across  (D)put together

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Tahoe Hot Pot,是一家火鍋餐廳。

答案:41.( A ) 42.( D ) 43.( C ) 44.( B ) 45.( A )
Hot pot is an easy way to make a meal during the winter. 火鍋是在冬季做飯的簡單方法。 It’s a favorite meal in Asia. 這是亞洲最受歡迎的一道菜。You can choose the food to cook in it and also the 41 kind of soup you want. 你可以選擇食物來烹飪,也可以選擇你想要的湯。You will cook all the food in the soup in the pot. 你會在鍋裡煮湯裡所有的食物。When the soup 42 boils, you can begin cooking the food. 當湯沸騰時,您可以開始烹飪食物。 Let the food cook 43 for about 10 minutes. 讓食物煮約10分鐘。When the food is done, use your chopsticks or a spoon to put the food in a bowl. 當食物完成後,用筷子或勺子將食物放入碗中。When you eat your food, you can add 44 different kinds of sauces. 當你吃你的食物,你可以添加不同種類的醬汁。After you eat all the food in the hot pot, don’t forget the soup! 在火鍋裡吃完所有的食物之後,別忘了湯! It will taste very good after you cook your vegetables and meat in it. 煮完蔬菜和肉後,它的味道會非常好。 A hot pot meal is a good time for friends and family to 45 get together to eat and talk, so don’t eat quickly! 火鍋是朋友和家人聚在一起吃飯聊天的好時機,所以不要吃得太快!

A41  (A)kind (B)race (C)meat  (D)bean
A41  (A)種類(B)種族(C)肉類(D)豆類
D42  (A)studies (B)sleeps (C)breathes  (D)boils
D42  (A)學習(B)睡覺(C)呼吸(D)煮沸
C43  (A)in (B)on  (C)for   (D) under
C43  (A)(B)  (C)(一段時間) (D)
B44  (A)double  (B)different  (C)direct  (D)determined
B44  (A)雙倍(B)不同(C)直接(D)確定
A45  (A)get together  (B)turn over  (C)come across (D)put together
A45  (A)聚在一起(B)翻身(C)碰到(D)放在一起


