2019年5月17日 星期五

【公職考題選072】揠苗助長。Haste makes waste. (欲速則不達。)

AP classes are college-level courses taken during high school that will provide students the opportunity to earn credit or advanced standing at most colleges and universities. According to The College Board, AP classes help students
- Gain the edge in college preparation
- Stand out in the college admissions process
- Broaden your intellectual horizons
For more information on how to register and the benefits of scheduling AP courses, talk to your high school counselor, an AP instructor or go to http://www.CollegeBoard.com.
If your high school doesn’t have all of these classes, colleges and universities will consider this fact. Also, many colleges and universities have special admissions procedures for students who have high academic potential but need help to reach that potential because of educational or other disadvantages.
46 What is mainly described in this passage
(A)The College Board. (B)Disadvantaged high school students.
(C)College admissions procedures. (D)Special classes in secondary schools.
47 Who are the target readers of this passage
(A)College professors. (B)High school students. (C)College board members. (D)Admissions officials.
48 Which of the following is not true about AP courses
(A)They are offered in all schools.
(B)They make students more knowledgeable.
(C)They prepare students for college studies.
(D)They are recognized for college credit in many universities.
49 What does AP most likely stand for in this passage
(A)Associate Professor. (B)Associated Press. (C)Account Payable. (D)Advanced Placement.
50 Which of the following words from the passage is closest in meaning to “advantage”
(A)Credit. (B)Standing. (C)Edge. (D)Potential.

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答案:46.( D ) 47.( B ) 48.( A ) 49.( D ) 50.( C )
46,47AP classes are college-level courses taken during high school that will provide students the opportunity to earn credit or advanced standing at most colleges and universities. According to The College Board, AP classes help students
AP課程是高中時期開設的大學課程,將為學生提供在大部份大學獲得學分或先進地位的機會。 根據大學理事會的資料,AP課程幫助學生:
- Gain the edge in college preparation在大學準備中獲得優勢
- Stand out in the college admissions process在大學招生過程中脫穎而出
- Broaden your intellectual horizons拓寬你的知識視野
For more information on how to register and the benefits of scheduling AP courses, talk to your high school counselor, an AP instructor or go to http://www.CollegeBoard.com.
48If your high school doesn’t have all of these classes, colleges and universities will consider this fact. 如果你的高中沒有全部這些課程,大學院校會考慮這個事實。Also, many colleges and universities have special admissions procedures for students who have high academic potential but need help to reach that potential because of educational or other disadvantages. 此外,許多大學院校對於具有較高學術潛力但由於教育或其他方面的不利因素需要幫助以達到這一潛力的學生有特殊的招生程序。
D46 What is mainly described in this passage
(A)The College Board. (B)Disadvantaged high school students. (C)College admissions procedures. (D)Special classes in secondary schools. = high school
A)大學理事會。 B)弱勢學生。
(C)大學錄取程序。 (D)中學的特殊班級。
B47 Who are the target readers of this passage
(A)College professors. (B)High school students. (C)College board members. (D)Admissions officials.
(A)大學教授。 (B)高中學生。 (C)學院董事會成員。 (D)招生官員。
A48 Which of the following is not true about AP courses
(A)They are offered in all schools.
(B)They make students more knowledgeable.
(C)They prepare students for college studies.
(D)They are recognized for college credit in many universities.

D49 What does AP most likely stand for in this passage
(A)Associate Professor. (B)Associated Press. (C)Account Payable. (D)Advanced Placement.
(A)副教授。 (B)相關新聞。 (C)應付帳款。 (D)先進的安置。
考點:考AP 是哪兩個字的縮寫

C50 Which of the following words from the passage is closest in meaning to “advantage”
(A)Credit. (B)Standing. (C)Edge. (D)Potential.
考點:edge [名詞] 邊緣, 刃,刀口 ,優勢


