2019年2月10日 星期日

【公職考題選020】桃園國際機場成為世界上第一個有電子圖書館的機場. Taoyuan International Airport became the world’s first e-book library in an airport.

(機場廣播) Ladies and gentlemen, may I pay your attention, please

      With thirty e-devices, four hundred e-titles, and two thousand print items, Taoyuan International Airport became the world’s first e-book library in an airport. Titles are  41  in both English and Chinese, and the e-devices vary from iPads to e-readers with e-ink. The library is  42  by the duty-free shop at the airport. The 43 for the project comes from the Institute for Information Industry, a government agency. The total cost of the project was about US$102,000. Airport passengers are 44 to borrow the devices and read the e-books in the airport, but they cannot download any 45 for their own devices. With more than seventeen million passengers passing through the airport each year, this is likely the beginning of something much bigger.

(    )41 Aadded Blimited C required Davailable
(    )42 Aopened Bchecked Cmanaged Dpublished
(    )43 Abasis Breason  Cfunding Ddirection
(    )44 Atrying Bwilling  Callowed Dprepared
(    )45 Amedals Bmistakes  Cmaterials Dmachines


跟著 "Google 地圖" 學英文

這是位於美國洛杉磯國際機場的Terminal 3 (第三航廈),


答案:41( D )  42C 43C 44C 45C

      With thirty e-devices, four hundred e-titles, and two thousand print items, Taoyuan International Airport became the world’s first e-book library in an airport. 桃園國際機場共有三十個電子設備,四百個電子標題和兩千個打印件,成為世界上第一個有電子圖書館的機場。Titles are 41 available  in both English and Chinese, and the e-devices vary from iPads to e-readers with e-ink. 標題有英文和中文兩種,電子設備從iPad到電子墨水的電子閱讀器。The library is 42 managed  by the duty-free shop at the airport. The 43 funding for the project comes from the Institute for Information Industry, a government agency. 圖書館由機場的免稅店管理。 該計畫的資金來自政府機構信息產業研究所。The total cost of the project was about US$102,000. 該計畫的總成本約為102,000美元。Airport passengers are 44 allowed to borrow the devices and read the e-books in the airport, but they cannot download any 45 materials for their own devices. 機場乘客可以藉用設備並閱讀機場內的電子書,但不能為自己的設備下載任何材料。With more than seventeen million passengers passing through the airport each year, this is likely the beginning of something much bigger. 每年有超過1700萬乘客通過機場,這可能是更大的事情的開始。

D41 AaddedBlimited C required Davailable
C42 Aopened Bchecked Cmanaged Dpublished
C43 Abasis Breason  Cfunding Ddirection
C44 Atrying Bwilling  Callowed Dprepared
C45 Amedals Bmistakes  Cmaterials Dmachines


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