2019年2月24日 星期日

【公職考題選027】你喜歡名牌包嗎? Do you like luxury handbags?

題目:閱讀測驗【105地特五等各類科第 41 題至第 45 題】
For more than 6 decades, Central has been a trusted name—and the store of choice—for generations of shoppers. To mark its 65th Anniversary, Central will hold its annual Flower Extravaganza Exhibition featuring for the first time ever, world renowned Belgian floral designer Daniel Ost, who along with top Thai designers will create unique, breathtaking storewide flower arrangements, merging art and nature splendor. There will also be a variety of activities along with live concerts featuring Thai and international acts plus anniversary promotion offers. Don’t miss one of Bangkok’s most anticipated social events, from the 24th to the 28th of October at our flagship Central Chidlom store.   
Located in the heart of Bangkok’s shopping district—Central Chidlom has long been one of the city’s most well-known shopping destinations. Central Chidlom Shoppers will love the exciting new Beauty Galerie, along with a huge selection of international luxury-brand items and top-name fashion labels including GUCCI, BOTTEGA VENETA, ALFRED DUNHILL, BALLY, BURBERRY, COACH, and many, many, more.And there’s fine dining on the 7th floor at FoodLoft, with a choice of 8 international cuisines.
   With our world-class selection and Thai-style hospitality, you’re sure to go home with bags full of happiness…from Central.

  41 According to the passage, what is Central Chidlom?
AA food store. BA flower store. CA music store. DA department store.

  42 According to the passage, when was Central Chidlom founded?
AAround the year 1950. BAround the year 1970. CAround the year 1990. DAround the year 2000.

   43 Which of the following is true about Daniel Ost?
AHe is a Thai fashion leader. BHe is a renowned Belgian chef.
CHe is the owner of Central Chidlom. DHe is a famous flower designer.

  44 Which of the following is NOT true about Central Chidlom?
AIt is located in downtown Bangkok. BIt celebrates its anniversary in late October. CIts dining area is located on the 8th floor. DIt hosts a flower exhibition every year.

  45 Which of the following words in the passage means “a large and impressive event”?
AFlagshipB PromotionCHospitality.DExtravaganza


跟著 "Google 地圖" 學英文
這是位於美國紐約州紐約市的The 5th Ave.(第五大道)


答案:41.( D ) 42.( A ) 43.( D ) 44.( C ) 45.( D )


    42For more than 6 decades, Central has been a trusted name—and the store of choice—for generations of shoppers. 六十多年來,中央一直是一個值得信賴的品牌 - 而且是多個購物者的選擇。 To mark its 65th Anniversary, 44題的(D) Central will hold its annual Flower 45Extravaganza Exhibition featuring for the first time ever, 43world renowned Belgian floral designer Daniel Ost, who along with top Thai designers will create unique, breathtaking storewide flower arrangements, merging art and nature splendor. 為紀念其六十五週年,中央將舉辦一年一度的花卉展覽,首次是世界知名的比利時花藝設計師丹尼爾·奧斯特(Daniel Ost),他們與泰國頂級設計師一起,將創造出獨特而壯觀的笛子花,併入藝術與自然輝煌。There will also be a variety of activities along with live concerts featuring Thai and international acts plus anniversary promotion offers. Don’t miss one of Bangkok’s most anticipated social events, 44題的(B)from the 24th to the 28th of October at our flagship Central Chidlom store. 還將舉辦各種活動以及泰國和國際行為以及週年促銷活動的現場音樂會。 不要錯過曼谷最受期待的社交活動之一,102428日在我們的旗艦中心Chidlom商店。
    44題的(A) Located in the heart of Bangkok’s shopping district41Central Chidlom has long been one of the city’s most well-known shopping destinations. 位於曼谷購物區中心的 Central Chidlom中央奇德洛一直是該市最著名的購物中心之一。Shoppers will love the exciting new Beauty Galerie, along with a huge selection of international luxury-brand items and top-name fashion labels including GUCCI, BOTTEGA VENETA, ALFRED DUNHILL, BALLY, BURBERRY, COACH, and many, many, more. 購物者將會喜歡令人興奮的新美女畫廊,還有大量國際奢侈品牌和頂級時尚品牌,包括GUCCIBOTTEGA VENETAALFRED DUNHILLBALLYBURBERRYCOACH以及許多等等。44And there’s fine dining on the 7th floor at FoodLoft, with a choice of 8 international cuisines. FoodLoft7樓餐廳供應美味佳餚,可選擇8種國際美食。
   With our world-class selection and Thai-style hospitality, you’re sure to go home with bags full of happiness…from Central. 憑藉世界一流的選擇和泰式的款待,您一定會從中央回家享受幸福的袋子。

D41 According to the passage, what is Central Chidlom?
AA food store. BA flower store. CA music store. DA department store.
D41根據這段落,什麼是Central Chidlom (中央奇德洛)
A)食品店。 B)花店。 C)音樂商店。 D)百貨公司。

A42 According to the passage, when was Central Chidlom founded?
AAround the year 1950. BAround the year 1970. CAround the year 1990. D Around the year 2000.
A42根據這段落,Central Chidlom中央奇德洛什在什麼時候成立?

D43 Which of the following is true about Daniel Ost?
AHe is a Thai fashion leader. BHe is a renowned Belgian chef.
CHe is the owner of Central Chidlom. DHe is a famous flower designer.
A)他是泰國的時尚領袖。 B)他是一位著名的比利時廚師。
C)他是中央Ch樓的業主。 D)他是一位著名的花卉設計師。

C44 Which of the following is NOT true about Central Chidlom?
AIt is located in downtown Bangkok. BIt celebrates its anniversary in late October. CIts dining area is located on the 8th floor. DIt hosts a flower exhibition every year.
C44以下哪一項對於中央Ch is是不正確的?
A)它位於曼谷市中心。 B)十月下旬慶祝其周年紀念。
C)其用餐區位於8樓。 D)每年舉辦一次花卉展覽。

D45 Which of the following words in the passage means “a large and impressive event”?
AFlagship. B Promotion. CHospitality.DExtravaganza 異乎尋常的事物
A)旗艦 B)促銷 C)待客 D)狂歡節

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