2019年2月26日 星期二

【公職考題選028】你希望什麼樣的婚禮? What kind of wedding ceremony do you want?

題目:克漏字【105地特五等各類科第 46 題至第 50 題】
I attended my 43 year-old uncle’s wedding last Sunday afternoon. It was not a 46 wedding held in a church with a simple cake-and-tea or coffee reception afterwards. Instead, my uncle and his fiancée  47  their vows of marriage in a beautiful garden at a five-star hotel. Since both my uncle and his fiancée were already working at 48 jobs in two of the most successful computer companies in the city, they didn’t need to depend upon their parents to help pay for their wedding. The couple invited many co-workers and friends besides their relatives. The wedding guests drank pink champagne and ate a  49  of special delicacies prepared by the hotel’s gourmet cooks. Attending this splendid wedding made me think that waiting to tie the wedding knot until one is older and  50  independent is a good idea.

(  46 Aproper Bmodern C traditional D fancy
   47 Aargued Bexchanged C supported D invited
   48 Aslow-paced Blow-level Ceasy-going Dgood-paying
   49 Avariety Bstring Cbundle D piece
   50  Aeducationally B financially C critically D unfortunately


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名稱為 : A Beautiful Wedding


答案:46.( C ) 47.( B ) 48.( D ) 49.( A ) 50.( B )

I attended my 43 year-old uncle’s wedding last Sunday afternoon. It was not a 46 traditional wedding held in a church with a simple cake-and-tea or coffee reception afterwards. 我上星期天下午參加了我43歲的叔叔的婚禮。 這不是一個傳統的婚禮,在一個教堂舉行簡單的婚禮,然後有一個蛋糕和茶或咖啡招待會。Instead, my uncle and his fiancée  47 exchanged their vows of marriage in a beautiful garden at a five-star hotel. 相反地,我的叔叔和他的未婚妻在五星級酒店的美麗的花園裡交換了婚姻的誓言。Since both my uncle and his fiancée were already working at 48 good-paying jobs in two of the most successful computer companies in the city, they didn’t need to depend upon their parents to help pay for their wedding. 既然我的叔叔和他的未婚妻都已經在兩個城市最成功的電腦公司工作,他們並不需要依賴父母來支付他們的婚禮費用。The couple invited many co-workers and friends besides their relatives. The wedding guests drank pink champagne and ate a 49 variety of special delicacies prepared by the hotel’s gourmet cooks. 這對夫婦除了親戚以外還邀請了許多同事和朋友。 婚禮嘉賓喝了粉紅色的香檳,並品嚐了酒店美食廚師準備的各種特色美食。Attending this splendid wedding made me think that waiting to tie the wedding knot until one is older and  50 financially independent is a good idea. 參加這個輝煌的婚禮讓我覺得,直到年紀較大,財務上能獨立時再期待結婚是一個好主意。
C46 Aproper Bmodern C traditional D fancy
B47 Aargued Bexchanged C supported D invited
D48 Aslow-paced Blow-level Ceasy-going Dgood-paying
A49 Avariety Bstring Cbundle D piece
B50 Aeducationally B financially C critically D unfortunately

同學,答對了嗎? 繼續努力,加油!有什麼問題都可以在下面留言發問喔!下回見!

